MEE - Middle East Energy 2025About the German Pavilion DEGA-EXPOTEAM GmbH & Co. Ausstellungs KG

Organized by

DEGA-EXPOTEAM GmbH & Co. Ausstellungs KG

DEGA was founded in 1965 and changed to DEGA-EXPOTEAM in 1977. Since the very beginning DEGA has been successfully working in the field of preparing and realising trade shows all over the world and has gained a reputation as a reliable partner for private companies and public organisations.

DEGA-EXPOTEAM is a private company in this sector and well known for its competence and efficiency. The team is highly motivated to turn every presentation into a great success.

As a partner of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and of many German Federal State Ministries DEGA-EXPOTEAM has established a brilliant and valuable network of contacts to trade fair management teams and subcontracting companies involved in the exhibition business worldwide.

Thanks to this network and the qualified organisational experience of all project managers perfect presentations can be realized for all kinds of companies - whether group exhibitions or individual performances. DEGA-EXPOTEAM always aims to develop strategies to meet the latest needs.

DEGA-EXPOTEAM's range of services in brief:

    • Individual development of performance concepts
    • Refinement of concepts
    • Organisation of participations in all kinds of exhibitions
    • Support in marketing strategies (direct mailing, etc.)
    • Realisation of your stand concept either conventional or system stand concepts
    • Assistance for clients in all exhibition-relevant questions
    • Complete top-quality service from planning to realisation

For further details please feel free to visit DEGA-EXPOTEAM at the following web-site:

DEGA-EXPOTEAM GmbH & Co. Ausstellungs KG
Hauptstr. 4
82441 Ohlstadt

Phone: +49 8841 67835-0
Fax:     +49 8841 67835-10

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